Performance Tools for Software Developers
VTune (Intel's visual tuning and performance analysis tool), Intel C/C++
Compiler plug-in, Intel FORTRAN Compiler plug-in, the Intel Performance Library Suite and Intel Performance Evaluation and Analysis Kit (IPEAK)
| Intel VTune Visual Tuning Environment
The individual components that comprise the Intel® Software Performance Products are: VTune, Intel JIT, Intel C/C++ Compiler plug-in; Intel Fortran Compiler plug-in; and Intel Performance Library Suite.
| Intel C/C++ Compiler Plug-in
The Intel C/C++ Compiler plug-in, available as part of the VTune CD, is designed for 32-bit
Microsoft Windows* applications and is the first generation plug-in for the Microsoft Visual C++*
Integrated Development Environment. (IDE). |
| Intel Fortran Compiler Plug-in
The Intel FORTRAN Compiler plug-in, available as part of the VTune CD, is designed for 32-bit
Microsoft Windows* applications and is the first generation plug-in for the Microsoft Visual C++*
4.x Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
| Intel Performance Library Suite
The Intel Performance Library Suite currently includes four libraries: Signal Processing Library; Recognition Primitives Library; Image Processing Library; and the Math Kernel Library.
| Intel Performance Evaluation and Analysis Kit (IPEAK)
IPEAK is comprised of Power Management ToolKit (IPMAT), Storage ToolKit, Baseline Accelerated Graphics Platform (AGP) Suite System Evaluation Suite (IBASES) and Graphics Performance Tool (GPT).